Sunday, April 27, 2014

Small sins can cause great effects

Small sins can cause great effects, like a ripple in the water, that caused earthquakes, tsunamis after a long time --- "A butterfly effect." One lineage can get destroyed by a small sin alone --- unbelief, compromise, rejection, hurt, depression, backsliding, etc.

I remembered that modern-day atheism originated from within the Church, that gradually and gradually removed God from existence. So as theory of evolution, it also originated from church background, so as beliefs that said that God had stopped doing miracles, when? (No one can tell.) I remembered miracles still happen during the John Wesley's Methodist revival, so as monks in the Peregrine movement.

Now, I understand the effect of a "small" sin can be so devastating that whole culture could be shaped out of control due to one tiny, tiny compromise.

I then heard this in the spirit: "Humble yourselves, and follow My leads!"

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